A JAG-Sims3 Story
Author: Haruo Chikamori
Rating: M
Classification: Angst, Romance.
Spoilers: N/A
Summary: Continuity of Government (COG) – a stark term for starting over after a holocaust the likes of which is hoped will never ever happen. This is a what-could-happen if the button was ever pressed.
DISCLAIMER: The characters Harm Rabb, Jr., Sarah "Mac" Mackenzie, Meg Austin, AJ Chegwidden, et al. belong (in concept if not name) to CBS/Bellisarius. Animal and all OC characters are the property of Heather and Hugo Chikamori. No profit is being made from this story, nor is any infringement intended.
------------------------------------------------Rats in a Gilded Cage
"You know what, Tom, I hate this situation, I really do." VADM Toshio Nakamura said as he gazed impassively at RADM Tom Boone "We're stuck in a situation where we're in the bunker just waiting for the bomb to fall...I've been in contact with Pointer and the Naval Intelligence Service isn't telling him much either. All we got is suppositions or as I call 'em, suppositories because we end up pulling them out of our ass. I feel like we're getting mushroomed here, Tom."
"Sir, if anything, I don't doubt that we are." Boone said, "Why don't we get our resident NavSpook on the inside to talk to the outside and see what's going on, or you think they might feed her a line too?"
When Meg and Stacker came in to the meeting; Meg sat down and Stacker stood (as an Enlisted, he didn't warrant one of the chairs. "We're just waiting for one other person to join us; the Command Master Chief." Tosh stated.
"Aye, sir." Meg responded; she knew intuitively that this meeting was closed doors; nothing was to be discussed beyond the confines of the CO's room.
When the other member of the leadership council came on board, snapped to attention, then to parade rest, Tosh continued, "just the other day we ended up taking out a Taliban on home soil. Evidently he had come in under the guise of being a tourist. Master Guns took the shot and eliminated the threat. We have to all understand that we are under threat, that is why the children are being home-schooled, and we are battening down the hatches just in case this whole damned thing kicks off. Any questions so far?"
Meg queried, "Has there been any word from Admiral Pointer?, sir?"
"Earlier this morning, Captain, we had a discussion, the DC leadership has gone to ground, Pinnacle is in full operation and we're just waiting for the balloon to go up. If any of us has to go out for supplies, we go in full combat gear. The only ones out of us who are to go out for supplies is Master Guns, myself or RADM Boone. All others are confined to barracks which in this case is the bunker. Am I clear on that?"
Meg didn't look too happy about that situation, but she said, "Yes, sir. Understood, sir." It wasn't what Tosh wanted to do either, but well; nothing ever came of doing whatever you wanted in life. And in this situation, it could potentially cost the lives of everyone in the bunker. If there was a time to follow orders, now was it.
"Sir, you asked for my presence?" CMDCM Jennifer Coates asked as she stepped in the door, came to attention and then to parade rest.
"Yes, I did, Command Master Chief. I think it would behoove you to sit in on this command meeting."
"Yes, sir."
"Lock the door." Tosh ordered, "Nothing leaves this office; classification - Top Secret." He looked at each member of the leadership in turn and each nodded their understanding of the situation. "I have heard nothing out of the Joint Chiefs of Staff other than what I've heard from the admiral and what I heard was not good. We have been tasked to go Defense Condition Two and hope it doesn't drop. As of now we retreat to the lowest levels of the bunker and pray to god that we don't get hit by a Dong Feng 5 MT. If we do, we'll be a smoking hole."
It was a wonder that Meg felt like she could smile at this stage of the game, however, it was the only way to keep her spirits up. Locked in a bunker hoping that nuclear incineration was not imminent had a way of dampening moods as well as psychologically damaging those who were subject to Post-Traumatic Syndrome as a result of the events.
Tosh looked at them solemnly and said, "Dismissed."
...and they slowly got up and made their way out of the office.
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