A JAG-Sims3 Story
Author: Haruo Chikamori
Rating: M
Classification: Angst, Romance.
Spoilers: N/A
Summary: Continuity of Government (COG) – a stark term for starting over after a holocaust the likes of which is hoped will never ever happen. This is a what-could-happen if the button was ever pressed.
DISCLAIMER: The characters Harm Rabb, Jr., Sarah "Mac" Mackenzie, Meg Austin, AJ Chegwidden, et al. belong (in concept if not name) to CBS/Bellisarius. Animal and all OC characters are the property of Heather and Hugo Chikamori. No profit is being made from this story, nor is any infringement intended.
------------------------------------------------Chapter 9 = Holly Ages Up and New Additions
Moving down to the bowels of the bunker didn't mean that Tosh and Boone didn't have to go out and do stock-up of supplies anymore, it meant that they were the only ones doing it because they had to make sure that they would have enough to deal with the tough times that were coming. And make no mistake, those tough times would be the harshest that they would ever have to deal with.
As it was there was no shortage of people coming to the main entrance of the bunker looking for shelter. But until it was certain that the petitioners for shelter were genuine, there was no way that Tosh or Boone was going to allow anyone in, so they went along their way no further ahead with finding shelter than when they first showed up at the doorstep.
The news vultures were out in force smelling a carcass...and were trying to pick up any bits of news that they could whenever they could smell out a source. And considering the size of the structure on the hill, there was no shortage of speculation as to what that could be from Beau Andrews mumbling about NSA conspiracies to all sorts of other malarkey.
The days went by with a routine settling in with Tosh and Boone heading out to get supplies and stocking the fridges with food. Luckily they had geothermal generation of energy in the bunker and were able to store up energy in battery banks so that they were able to utilize electricity which would be uninterrupted during the course of the nuclear conflict. The sunsets were spectacular, but there was always the ever-present thought that it wouldn't be long before they wouldn't be able to see those lovely sunsets anymore.
That night, Master Gunnery Sergeant Stacker caught a snoop (one of the general populace) nosing around the bunker door and apprehended her at gunpoint. "Freeze, Ma'am. Keep your hands away from your pockets. I'm authorized to use deadly force if you so much as twitch the wrong way and I don't want to do that."
"Turn around slowly...keep your hands where I can see them."
...and step closer to me...but you'd better do so without hostile intent or I'll fill you so full of holes, they'll mistake you for Swiss cheese." Most definitely the scared woman did as ordered, complying willingly.
"Now, miss...you and I are going to go see my commanding officer as to what it was that you were doing around here."
The command ceremony was a rather ad hoc affair because Tosh didn't want much of one...taking command of a bunker in a potential apocalypse was not a time for celebration...rather just a time for members of the bunker to get together and hope that they got through this ordeal.
The one light was Holly Alto aging up to young adult and promptly joining the US Navy.
Outside of that light-spot, there wasn't much to be positive about. The same routine continued, getting supplies and bringing them back to the bunker.
This time...they went out in full-battle rattle. Fatigues (top and bottom); Tactical harness and vest (with armor plate) and M-4 at the side. And they went out in the Stryker Armored Personnel Carrier. There was no playing now; it was deadly serious.
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This is a war story with mature themes and some sex and violence involved in the story. If you shy away from those themes, then this is not the story for you. Please comment accordingly.